Christ Public School, Basavanagar

1. Academic Year

The school year begins in June and ends in March. The whole session is divided into three terms. June to Aug, Sep to Dec and Jan to March in order to have proper and systematic working and to give a balance to the whole syllabus.

2. Admission

Admission to the school is restricted by certain policies of the management and by the conditions of age, ability and conduct. The age of admission to class 1 is 5 yrs/10 months on or before 1st June of the year of admission.

3. Withdrawal

a. Transfer Certificate will be issued only when the parent/guardian applies for it in the prescribed form after all the dues have been cleared in the office. The application should be given one month in advance.

b. If the Head of the Institution finds any student’s performance unsatisfactory and orders withdrawal of such student, it is obligatory on the part of the parent or guardian to withdraw the student.

4. Attendance

a. Regular attendance is insisted upon. No student should absent himself/herself from class without sufficient reason and prior permission.

b. Reasons for the absence must be clearly stated in the “Leave Record” of the handbook.

c. In case of serious illness the Principal must be informed within five days with a Doctor’s certificate accompanied by the leave application from the parent / guardian.

d. Students who do not get 80% attendance for the year are liable to be detained or be advised to leave the school.

5. Discipline

a. Refinement of manners, habits of obedience and order, neatness in person and dress and punctuality are required at all time.

b. Students shall be responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. As a precautionary measure, it is suggested that they have their names inscribed on articles like tiffin carriers, umbrellas, school bag, shoes, pencil box and pencils.

c. It is not advisable for the students to wear gold ornaments or to bring other valuable articles to school. The school will not be responsible for the loss of such articles of students.

d. Any damage caused to the property of the school is punishable according to the nature of the offence. Lost and found articles should be deposited in the office.


a. Our campus is under constant surveillance of C.C.T.V.

b. We have installed C.C.T.V cameras at all strategic locations.

c. Every visitor to our campus will have to enter the details in the log book kept at the security.

d. Visitor’s ID which entitles entry into the campus will be provided by the security, which needs to be returned while leaving the campus.

e. It is mandatory that every parent produces the ‘Parent ID’ card to seek entry into the campus during working hours.

f. In case of emergency, the parent/guardian needs to collect the child during class hour, “Parent ID card must be produced at the reception.

g. Parents/Visitors are strictly prohibited from visiting the class rooms during working hours.

h. We earnestly seek your co-operation in this regard and comply with the procedures in the interest of your child’s safety.

7. Conveyance

a. School bus will be available on selected routes. At the bus stop children must get into the bus in an orderly manner. As a safety measure they should not put their hands or head out even to greet anyone.

b. After getting off the bus, children should wait at the bus stop till the bus moves again. They should be very cautious and see that they cross the road only after the bus has left the stop to ensure safety.

c. Parents / children must be at least 5 minutes earlier in the morning and evening to board / collect their children from the bus. If parents are not at the bus stop the child would be brought back to school.

8. Parental Co-operation

a. The active co-operation of parents with the school is an essential pre-requisite for the welfare of the students. They should encourage children to participate in all the activities and school functions.

b. Every second Saturday, the parents are encouraged to meet the teachers between 9.30am to 12.30pm. Parents must attend the open house meeting to get an update on their child’s academic progress and conduct. Parents are not allowed to enter the class room during teaching hours. In case of emergency, the parents may meet the class teachers with the permission of the principal on working days.

c. While the management will endeavour to ensure the safety and welfare of your child, it cannot be held responsible for any accident or mishap that may occur to the student in the school premises, or while your child is being transported to and from the school.

d. Any change in address or telephone number must be intimated to the school. For any queries regarding bus fees, school fees etc, kindly contact only the office.

e. The school gate will be closed at 8.40 a.m. If a child is late he/she will not be permitted to enter the school.

f. Gate pass is mandatory for the child pick up.

g. Escort card is mandatory for the child pick-up.

h. An extra change of clothes and handkerchief should be sent daily.

i. Children should not be allowed to scribble in the class work.

j. For project work, if any picture, objects like vegetables, fruits, flowers are asked-parents should oblige.

k. Lunch box (KG, I STD) and snack box (I std) should be packed separately with a napkin and carried in a separate lunch bag.

l. On Birthday, child can wear colour dress. As a remembrance of their birthday, you may kindly present a story book to the school library writing the child’s name, class and year.

m. Please do not hard bind the books. Do not send any extra books since it adds to the weight in the bag.

n. You are advised not to send fancy pencils, erasers, and pencil boxes to the school. The school is not responsible for the loss of such articles.

o. Plastic crayons must be brought daily to school.

p. All circulars should be removed from diary.

q. For all talent search competitions, parents must teach a new item. What is taught in school must not be repeated.

r. For any information regarding an unscheduled holiday, kindly check the school’s website.

s. In the last fortnight of every month, worksheets will be conducted.

t. Label all the books, snack box, napkins and bags.

u. Re-opening day send your child with a name tag and contact numbers.

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